
Aw, Shucks! Oyster Roast

One of the newest fundraisers for FAFA is the Aw, Shucks! Oyster Roast, now held the first Friday every November. It was held 6-9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. Tickets were $60. The roast was held outside at Blissful Ridge, located at 340 Cherokee Camp Road, Reidsville. That’s the road behind the Governmental Center – just drive all the way to the end and you’ll find the venue, in the former Boy Scout Camp. The event features all-you-can-eat oysters, beer and wine, live music, and a large campfire.

Past Fundraisers

Boos, Brews & BBQ

A popular fall event usually held on the grounds of the FAFA house, Boos, Brews & BBQ was held on a Saturday in October from  2-9 p.m. The public is always invited to this free event, and bring their lawn chairs to enjoy live music! Fantastic food, local brews, crafts, art and more are available for purchase. And FAFA’s Passion for Trashin’ exhibit is usually open at the FAFA house for public viewing that evening.

Wine & Dine

One of FAFA’s major fundraisers was Wine & Dine, held at Oak Hills Event Center in Eden. The event featured heavy Greek hors d’oeuvres prepared by Caterfest with lamb donated by Massey Creek Farms. Lucky City and MC Jones of Mutual Distributing paired Mediterranean wines with the buffet items while Veronica & Company provided an evening of musical enjoyment. In addition to door prizes, the event featured a silent auction of works by local artists, and two separate raffles for art. The Board Raffle consisted of five pieces donated by members of our board, and the second raffle was for a painting by Phil Link donated by Tom Lanier.

Thank you to the following artists and businesses for making the last event a success:

Arts & Frames
Bunnie’s Flowers `n Things
Arthur’s Jewelry
Tim Amos
Chinqua Penn Plantation
Cindy Bivings
Connections—Integrative Massage Therapy
Dan River Coffee House
Elizabeth Boles
Noah Carlton
Mary Alice Collins
Alta Sue Howell Elledge
The Collins Family
Suzanne Cowan
P.T. Deutermann
Tasha Dove
Curtis Dunlap
Gina Ellis
Kathy Emona
Maile Epperson

Bob & Pat Foeller
Ann French
The Front Porch
Barbara Golding
Liz Griffin
Ted Haapala
Vickie Hedrick
Joel Lancaster
Tom Lanier
Lucky City
Suzon Martin
Loretta Martin
Massey Creek Farms
MC Jones—Mutual Distributing
Meta Moore
Misty Moore
Debbie Moore
Bill Moore
Oak Hills Event Center
Veronica & Company

Ramona Page
Ellen Ray
Jacquie Reynolds
Samples & More
Clif Sanders
Wayne Seymour
Virginia Sharrow
Kim Shireman
David Slater
Gail Smith
Paul Smith
Debbie Smith
David Spear
Charles Tisdale
Mary Watkins
Carol Wilson
Ben Winslow
Jean Ann Wood
Nancy Verdi
Alan & Jenny Walton
Tim Moran

Winter-Wine Wonderland

“Winter-Wine Wonderland,” the region’s only winter wine festival, was held on a Saturday in January, from 1-5 p.m. at the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Education Center, 804 Cedar Lane, Reidsville, N.C.

The fund-raising event was co-sponsored by the Fine Arts Festival Association of Rockingham County and the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Education Center Advisory Board. Proceeds supported scholarships for youth to attend the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp and benefited the Fine Arts Festival Association.

Wineries included Grove Winery, Chinqua Penn Wines, Benjamin Vineyards, and Locklear Winery. Local food tastings were provided by

Hot chocolate and apple cider was available for children and designated drivers. Art exhibits and demonstrations were provided by local artists, and live entertainment filled the afternoon. Many varied door prizes were given away.

“Winter-Wine Wonderland” helped to support kids at camp, artists, and North Carolina wineries and agriculture. Advance tickets were only $20 each—or a dozen for $200! Tickets were available from Grove Winery, Chinqua Penn Gift Shop, Brenda Ward at Wentworth Town Hall, Texie Needham at Home Savings Bank in Reidsville, or any Board Member of the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp or Fine Arts Festival Association of Rockingham County.